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Resident Support

Reslife Staff

Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs) are professional staff members who live on campus and are available to you. They work as a team to help make each resident’s on-campus experience a positive one. The professional staff supervises student staff, advise area councils, administer the student conduct process, offer supportive counseling and assume responsibility for the general management of the various living areas. Below is the list of contact information, area responsibilities and office locations for the RLCs.  

The Area Coordinators of Residence Life, provide administrative and organizational support for Residence Life, and coordinate emergency management and assessment for Housing & Residence Life.

Student Staff

Resident Advisors (RAs) are leaders, selected for the position based on leadership skills and concern for peers and other students. RAs are trained to provide campus resource information, community building activities and peer advising. Additionally, they help ensure safety and security on-campus in the residence halls especially through the maintenance of community guidelines.

Activities Student Assistants (ASAs) are unique student staff positions that provide support for themed housing areas such as Rainbow, International Living, Natural Resources and Sciences, and OARS. Activities SAs build community and host programs for the specific community they are assigned.

The Residence Sustainability Advisor (RSA) is a student staff member that works in Housing to promote awareness and plan events regarding energy consumption and conservation.

Student Assistants (SAs) assist the Residence Life professional staff, residents and staff by co-advising student leadership councils, serving as mentors for Resident Advisors and Activities Student Assistants, and providing administrative support.